Activities FAQ

How long does it take for an Activity to be approved?

Each brand has individual time frames that they have set for approvals.  If you have specific questions about activity approval/s, please reach out to your program administrator.

If one of my Activities is rejected, will it tell me why? 

Most brands will provide some type of feedback indicating what you will need to do differently (most likely the correct use of a link, hashtag, following the directions, etc.).  If you have specific questions please reach out to your program administrator.

Do I have to follow ALL of the instructions on the BrandChamp Activity?

Yes, the brand has set up criteria and they should be followed.  Please refer to your brand policies and guidelines for additional information.

What are the guidelines for submitting social posts and other content? 

Please refer to the instructions for individual activities and refer to the brand guidelines.

Do I have to do all the Activities each week? 

Each Activity is a suggestion to help guide your social media posts and are meant to be fun. Do them at your leisure, such as once a week, three times a month, every other month, etc. Please refer to your brand policies and guidelines for additional information. 

Unable to use "pick" feature from one of my social media activities - what should I do?

The “pick from my posts” buttons allow you to easily submit a social post by picking from your previous posts. However, if that does not work for some reason, you can simply copy the URL for the post you want to submit for the Activity and paste it into the text box that says “…” and then click on “Complete Task”.

For more details, see our article Linking to a Website or Social Media Post